“Little Mouse Finds a Friend is a charming book that would make an ideal read aloud for young children, and a wonderful shared or guided reading for those who are progressing through learning to read on their own.
The book is charming, has positive content to share, and even includes some instructive material about nature, which was a nice surprise. I would gladly add this book to my own classroom. Jessica Linn Evans’s artwork brings the story to life vividly and beautifully. The art is as beautiful as the cover throughout.
Highly recommended.”
JD DeHart, DeHart Reading and Literature Resources
“Little Mouse Finds a Friend is a wonderful way to end the day with your children. It’s lovely, kind, and informative. When the children ask to read it one more time before bed, this is one you’ll want to say yes to as well.”
“Jeni’s story, with Jessica’s mesmerizing illustrations, invites children to lose themselves in the magical world of Little Mouse and his friends … a world that is beautiful and friendly and full of wonder.”
Maryann Taglieri Wendt